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Susan Marie:  Master healer, Natural food connoisseur

Kathy Lorenz: Craniosacral healer, T'ai ji instructor

Loraine Van Tuyl Ph.D, CHT:Author, psychologist

Tom Schindler:USA world masters water polo team

Charlene Earl: Master healer, Flower therapist

Barbara Wooley: Author, psychotherapist, healer

Gabrielle Spencer:,Spiritual Intuitive Guide, CEO Conscious 
                                 Wealth Creator

Lawrence Osiris: Nondual  spiritual teacher

Joycce Brodsky: Ordained Minister, Lightworker, Animal

Gerry Whal:  Managing Director, The Pension Advisor
Taijiquan Tutelage of Palo Alto

Oran Kangas: Health and Healing Researcher

Erin Messengale: Owner, Ancient Traditions, homeopathic

Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Chandra Lynn:, Founder, Glow Marketing

Maryann Tracy-Baker, Activist, Transcriptionist, Writer

Charlotte Harvey: Yoga instructor

Toby Hanson: Founder HMT, Muscle Therapist,    
                        Kinesiologist, Life Coach

San Francisco Zen Center

Tim Gnazale:  Spiritual Coach, T'ai chi Sifu, Author

Spirit Rock Meditation Center

First Unitarian Church Of San Jose

Dr. David Brown, Ph.D:  CTO, VironAire

Lina Turentsiva, Veterinarian Technician

Oran Kangas, Sifu, Researcher, Healer

Master Cho, Mental physics pranic healer

Dr. Tae Chung Choo, L.Ac. O.M.D., Ph.D, Samra Clinic of 
                                                                  Oriental Medicine

MA Center, San Ramon, CA


Join Our Community of Higher Consciousness.

Unified Presence


Unified Presence is a community of individuals focused on bettering their consciousness through Higher-Self development.


UP is an inspiring way to collectively share helpful techniques and experiences to help balance today's prevalent distractions and roboticizing of humans from their greater sense of being.  As wonderful as our computer era is in providing instant communication, knowledge and information, it also has its demonic side in entrancing some four billion  people into a petabyte (hundreds of trillions of bytes) universe of binary clouds before we pass and ascend to real ones.


So, here we are on our computers (smartphones are computers too) trying to bond as an insightful community of everyday persons with everyday challenges and extraordinary thoughts. We all comprise one human race, so it is UP's goal to bond as such with acceptance and embodiment. Apart from the human race, there are no others on Earth, despite today’s madness to the otherwise.


This I will open with: the human race is varied in millions of ways. From the mind, body and spirit, we can ultimately embrace ourselves in variation, with pride and understanding, not with condemnation.


I, like many, came from a multifarious upbringing.  In my family, there was depression, schizophrenia, divorce (when it was unheard of), no father, etc.--you know, like what much of our society experiences now days. I embraced these hardships when older and used them as a platform to grow stronger and more compassionate toward others.


As I teach in my T'ai ji classes, "simple" does not necessarily mean "easy."  But it beats complicated and not easy.  And while "simple" may be a descriptive challenging in resolving life's complexities, there are ways to break down challenges and transform them toward a solution that works over time.  How?  Fostering your Higher-Self forms one powerful way to help tackle a difficult--actually any--situation in life.  You frequently notice a higher consciousness with athletes, academic achievers, poets, dancers, healers, and everyday people striving to better themselves and humanity.  Little by little such individuals build skill and solutions to enhance their life and others.


So, what is a Higher Self?  There are dozens of explications on this from spiritual guides, psychologists, mind/body teachers, ministers, life coaches and more.  I'll define the term as the conscious mind that engages a set of positive and cleansing thoughts to erode negative energy, stress, and bioenergetic disruptions throughout the mind and body. From the Higher Self evolves activation and transformation from the usual conscious mind to a higher mind (bonding of one's spirit and beyond to the universe's indelible quantum makeup...God included, if one believes as such.


How do we activate our Higher Self?  Common ways include: meditation, prayer, channeling, journaling, chanting, and disallowing the negative behaviors of the subconscious mind to take precedence in dealing with stressful situations. These include things like fear, worry, prejudging, being overwhelmed and riding high for too long.


The subconscious mind embodies your primal mind, meaning survival traits, learned behavior, reactionary emotions, and involuntary thoughts. Juxtaposed is the conscious mind, responsible for cognitive thinking, reasoning, setting goals, and chosen behavior. Then there's the higher state of consciousness, which heaven knows what parts of the mind that embodies, but it is the apogee of existence on Earth and beyond.


It is common in psychology and spiritual study that these mindful facets are made exclusive. In my view, while they certainly hold characteristics unique to their respective realms, I assert that each domain has extraordinary capabilities beyond its natural engagement. For example, creative thinking, or when one encounters paranormal activity, such as psychic premonition of knowing who is calling without usual clues, thinking about someone then they contact you the next day, and uncommon dream states, all reside in the mind's multifarious realms. Importantly, they can be tapped into by development of the Higher-Self.


By clearing the conscious mind--either by coincidence or intention (e.g., meditation and prayer)--this enables positive bioenergetic reactions to occur, which enable the body's vital energy and spiritual connection to accel. Other benefits include reduction in stress responses, mental clarity, lower blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, and improved physiological balance. Of importance, the process of meditative activity is restrained to accept only higher thoughts, such as connection to the quantum fabric of the universe/God, as well as special sounds and repetitive phrases that promote transcendental development.  In short, the conscious and subconscious mind leans toward a non-cognitive state during deep meditation, prayer, remote healing, etc. 


Dividing the mind into conscious and subconscious facets has its purpose, but mostly serves as a model for task distinction. Both of these mental domains in regards to higher energy activation ascend in ways for which we do not entirely know. In the end, they comprise a person's mental and spiritual unity.

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What is the difference between the soul and spirit?


The notions of ‘spirit’ and ‘soul’ elicit endless definitions and interpretations.


I position the human consciousness’ highest state—the underlying drive, subsistence, and connection within the world and universe we occupy—as our spirit. It is the unique footprint and foundation for all other evolution within an individual. The spirit is always constant, pure, and of form for which one can tap into, or ignore.  It knows no boundaries or flaws, just the highest essence of an individual. 


The soul I foresee as an indelible entity that places a human being in the quantum fabric of the universe’s ineffable composition.  The soul is indefinable—a pure energy of which we cannot quantify. It embodies not only the individual, but  to the vastness of everything that interconnects our universe and beyond. If the spirit is the highest quintessential state of a person’s conscious and being, then the soul is the spirit’s embodiment with the universe’s multifarious dimensions—be it to God or less divine transcendental realms.

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About The Author


Tim Gnazale is a native Californian, born and raised in San Francisco's Silicon Valley. He graduated from San Jose State University in Engineering Technology and business. He has worked 30 years in Silicon Valley in engineering and marketing and the same duration as a fitness professional, including being a national presenter. Tim serves as a spiritual and life coach, and actively teaches T'ai ji with 30+ years of instruction. His six books span fitness, T'ai ji and spirituality, in addition to prose and poetry. He enjoys his time working out intensely across multiple disciplines, ultralight backpacking, writing, and helping those in need.



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